Orthosis - Orthopedics






This category consists of all orthopedic and orthotic products intended for the care and/or protection of the upper or lower limb. The most common are belts, knee supports, ankles supports and many others.

Orthosis materials are usually elastic or neoprene, depending on the area or use sought. There are also other more breathable fabrics, for those patients who do not support the neoprene or prefer something softer or breathable





This brand represents the highest level of quality in all types of orthoses, both upper and lower limbs. 

To emphasize the post-surgical shoes, we have the Medicalsurgical with its own name. Also, the splint TAS of multiple uses, as for example in post-surgery of the Bunion, open foot, splits in claw or hammer toes and so on. Very successful products.

Another outstanding product from Darco is the Pegassist insole, for diabetic feet, risk feet and ulcers. This insole has removable cells where the pressure point is exerted. It adapts to Darco shoes.

MECRON neuromuscular bandages are also part of this brand, which are in high demand due to their quality.

Other very interesting products from Darco are shoes for diabetic foot and risk foot, such as Allround Shoe, and products for bedridden people, such as Darco Heelift AFO, Darco Heelift GLIDE, and Darco Body Armor Pro Term which is conceived as a temporary treatment after amputations of Chopart and Lisfranc.

Suitable for right and left foot.

Laboratorios Herbitas is Darco's official distributor for Spain.



This type of footwear is used to immobilize the foot after operations, such as bunions, because at the same time allows the patient to wander, without the operated areas are affected by it. 

There are several types: normal, such as Darco's Medical Surgical, or Herbitas. Moreover, there are models with forefoot off-loading, whereby the front of the foot is in the air, and the Heel Wedge, where it is the heel that is relieved of pressure and contact with the ground.

All of this is available in Herbitas.



This type of orthosis is intended to solve different pathologies of the spine. There are models that act preventively and others designed to correct or act when the pathology is already established. 

There are in our catalogue prevented belts and also, belts with a unique size.

Moreover, we have available models designed for pregnant. Maternal Band.



Hallux Valgus corrective devices are in high demand and common. For this reason, we have several models. 

The most classic and well-known is the Bunions Night Corrector, which is made with a rigid thermoplastic splint. It is quite aggressive and has great corrective power. It cannot be worn during the day. 

Another model of great success and efficiency is the Hallux Valgus splint of a unique size. It is more anatomical and well tolerated. Very effective. Product of great success.

The Darco TAS splint is also very effective and very successful. It is also designed to correct Hallux Valgus, among other functionalities



You can find all these supports in the catalogue. Manufactured in materials such as neoprene and now with the brand Artroben Black. 



The Up Feet splint is designed by podiatry teachers and is designed for the relief of fasciitis and also for the correction of flat feet in children with the Up Feet Kids model.

Moreover, we have a model designed for sport. Up Feet Sport.  



This splint is designed to correct the deformity in the foot drop, being very easy to apply and use. 



These cushions are designed and manufactured with a special viscoelastic-type material that absorbs and distributes pressure, minimizing or avoiding punctual overpressure in a coccyx area and thus avoiding pressure sores. Ideal for people who are in wheelchairs or remain seated for a long time or present some type of risk due to pressure. 

Our cushions also include a special antibacterial cover, breathable to let sweat pass but waterproof to liquids. The way they are made is anatomical, adapting better to the support area.



We also have several devices such as the OVAL GEL, which is designed to rehabilitate and exercise the hands in people with arthritis problems or post-traumatic syndromes. This product is manufactured in different densities of hardness and color. 

The Lumbar Positioning Roller comes from Mackenzie and is designed and manufactured to respect this technology, to help correct and maintain the spine in the proper position, avoiding many pains and problems due to poor posture while sitting or in the car. 

Leco's Massage Mittens and Sponges are made of an exclusive material that allows you to massage the whole body in the shower and activate circulation providing a gentle relaxation. 



Our company, Laboratorios Herbitas, has been dedicated to the orthopedic and podiatry supplies for more than 30 years and hence its high degree of specialization. The daily contact with professionals means that the products are increasingly improved in accordance with their opinions and contributions and offer greater quality and functionality.

As manufacturers, we control quality better and can be more competitive.


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