Legal notice


Please read the following legal notice related to the website of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. (



In accordance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, you are informed that LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., with NIF B46594362, manages the content of the website, with a registered office for this purpose at Calle Periodista Badia 13B, 46134 (Foios) – Valencia.

LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. is registered in the Commercial Registry of Valencia, Volume 2442, General 866 of Sec. 4ª of the Book of Companies, Folio 215, Sheet No. 15.428, First Entry.

If you wish to contact us, you can reach us at the address above, as well as by Phone: (+34) 963 627 900 and Email:



Both browsing and using this website give you the status of User and imply your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions, and, where applicable, the Specific Conditions in effect at the time you, as a User, access the website. 

LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. reserves the right to expand and modify unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration, and content of the website, as well as temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications, and services of the website, in the same way.




Generally, the User is obliged to comply with these terms and conditions of use, always acting in accordance with the law, good customs, and the demands of good faith, using the appropriate diligence for the nature of the service they are enjoying, and refraining from using this website in any way that may impede, damage, or deteriorate its normal functioning, the assets or rights of the owner or other Users, or, in general, any third party.

In particular, and without limiting the general obligation assumed by the User in accordance with the previous section, the User agrees, in using this website, to:

If provided, the User must properly safeguard the "Username" and "Password" provided by LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. as identification and enabling elements to access the various services offered on the website, committing not to transfer their use or allow third-party access, assuming responsibility for damages resulting from misuse of these elements.
Not introduce, store, or disseminate on or from the website any information or material that is defamatory, injurious, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion, or that in any way violates morality, public order, fundamental rights, public liberties, honor, privacy, or the image of third parties and, in general, violates current Spanish regulations or those of the User's country of residence.
Not introduce, store, or disseminate via the website any computer programs, data, viruses, code, or any other file that could cause damage or any kind of alteration to the website, any services, or any of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L.'s equipment, systems, or networks, or those of any User or third party, that may impede their normal functioning.
Not destroy, alter, use for their purposes, disable or damage the data, information, programs, electronic documents, or, in general, files of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., its Users, or third parties.

LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions, as well as the Specific Conditions that may be included, by publishing said modifications on the website so that Users may be aware of them.



LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. will not be liable:

Generally, for the inappropriate use of its website. Users must make proper use of it, in accordance with the above terms and conditions, without any responsibility on the owner for inappropriate use.
Regarding possible technical deficiencies. LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. will not be responsible under any circumstances for service interruptions caused by electrical network failures, data connection network failures, server failures, or any other performance issues.
Regarding third-party access to its system. LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. will take necessary technical precautions to protect the data and information accessed but will not be responsible for third-party actions that, by violating the established security measures, gain access to said data.
LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. continually invests in technological resources to minimize the risk of viruses, malware, and unauthorized content in its information systems. However, the User is aware that they must adopt their own measures to minimize damages caused by unauthorized software, viruses, trojans, and any other type of malware, exempting LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. from any responsibility that may arise from the presence of malware in the treatments enabled on this website.


The Internet user who wants to introduce links from their own websites to the Website must comply with the conditions detailed below, without avoiding responsibilities derived from the law due to lack of knowledge.

The link will only direct to the homepage or main page of the Website, without reproducing it in any form (inline links, text copying, graphics, etc.). It will be prohibited, in all cases, to establish frames or frames of any kind that surround the Website or allow the display of its contents through different Internet addresses from those of the Website and, in any case, when viewed together with external content to the Website in such a way that: (I) causes, or may cause, error, confusion, or deception in users about the true origin of the service or content; (II) constitutes an act of unfair comparison or imitation; (III) is used to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L.; or (IV) is otherwise prohibited by applicable law.

No false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements will be made from the page that introduces the link regarding LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., its address, employees, customers, or the quality of the services it provides.

Under no circumstances will it be stated on the page where the link is located that LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. has granted its consent for the insertion of the link or that it sponsors, collaborates, verifies, or supervises the sender's services.

The use of any denominative, graphic, or mixed brand or any other distinctive sign of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. within the sender's page is prohibited unless expressly permitted by law or authorized by LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., and in all cases where such authorization exists, the link must be direct to the Website as established in this clause.

The page that establishes the link must faithfully comply with the law and may not, under any circumstances, link to content that: (I) is illegal, harmful, or contrary to morality and good customs (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (II) induces or may induce the User to the false belief that LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L. subscribes, endorses, adheres to, or in any way supports the sender's ideas, expressions, or manifestations, whether lawful or unlawful; (III) is inappropriate or irrelevant to the activity of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., considering the place, content, and subject of the sender's website. Likewise, the User will refrain from including any hyperlink (hereinafter, "link") directed to a website that contains illegal information or content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs, and public order.



The structure, design, and presentation of the elements available on this website (graphics, images, photographs, samples and materials shown, industrial technologies, files, logos, color combinations, and any element susceptible to protection) are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights owned by LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., or for which usage rights have been obtained.

The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public, and, in general, any other form of exploitation, in whole or in part, of the elements referred to in the previous section is prohibited. Their publication on other websites or other digital or written media requires the express consent of the website owner and, in all cases, must make explicit reference to the ownership of the intellectual property rights of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L.

The use of distinctive signs (brands, trade names) is not permitted unless expressly authorized by the legitimate owners.

Without the express authorization of LABORATORIOS HERBITAS, S.L., the link to "final pages", "frames", or any other similar manipulation is not allowed. Links must always be to the main or homepage of the website.