These filtering masks provide high filtration efficiency and comfort. Unlike other masks, our FFP2 masks are made with multiple layers of non-woven fabric and filter paper, ensuring an effective barrier against contaminants.
FFP2 masks are composed of several layers of specialized materials: an outer layer of non-woven fabric, a second outer layer of hot air non-woven fabric, an intermediate layer of filter paper, and an inner layer of non-woven polypropylene fabric for added comfort. Additionally, they have industrial elastics covered with fabric to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.
Class I Medical Device
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protect against harmful water-based and oil-based particles
Equipped with P2 particle filters
folded size: 115 mm x 105 mm
outer layer: made of non-woven fabric
second outer layer: made of hot air non-woven fabric
intermediate layer: filter paper
inner layer: made of non-woven polypropylene fabric for added comfort
industrial elastic covered with fabric
Technical Specifications:
color: white
EAN 13 code: 8435454004595
Class I Medical Device
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Regulation (EU) 2016/425
EN149:2001 + A1:2009
A box with 20 white FFP2 masks.
Wash your hands for 40-60 seconds.
Open the package, take the mask by the elastics and unfold it.
Place the elastics over your ears and adjust the nose clip for a proper fit and seal. FFP2 Mask box of 20 units<p>FFP2 masks are composed of several layers of specialized materials: an outer layer of non-woven fabric, a second outer layer of hot air non-woven fabric, an intermediate layer of filter paper, and an inner layer of non-woven polypropylene fabric for added comfort. Additionally, they have industrial elastics covered with fabric to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.</p>
<li>Class I Medical Device</li>
<li>Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)</li>
<li>Protect against harmful water-based and oil-based particles</li>
<li>Equipped with P2 particle filters</li>
<li>folded size: 115 mm x 105 mm</li>
<li>outer layer: made of non-woven fabric</li>
<li>second outer layer: made of hot air non-woven fabric</li>
<li>intermediate layer: filter paper</li>
<li>inner layer: made of non-woven polypropylene fabric for added comfort</li>
<li>industrial elastic covered with fabric</li>
<p><strong>Technical Specifications:</strong></p>
<li>color: white</li>
<li>EAN 13 code: 8435454004595</li>
<li>Class I Medical Device</li>
<li>Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)</li>
<li>Regulation (EU) 2016/425</li>
<li>EN149:2001 + A1:2009</li>
<p>A box with 20 white FFP2 masks.</p>
<li><strong>Wash your hands</strong> for 40-60 seconds.</li>
<li><strong>Open the package</strong>, take the mask by the elastics and unfold it.</li>
<li><strong>Place the elastics</strong> over your ears and adjust the nose clip for a proper fit and seal.</li>
<li>Store in a cool, dry place.</li>
<li>Do not expose to direct sunlight.</li>
<li>Avoid extreme storage temperatures.</li>
<p> </p> Masks /Disposable Masks Dentist/Face Masks/Covid Products2021-02-08T14:07:54+0000shop1