Medical device with a diode laser developed to assist podiatry professionals in foot and ankle-related conditions, promoting healing and preventing symptom recurrence.
The laser is used not only for its therapeutic characteristics but also for its selective action in tissue vaporization.
The laser device is indicated for:
Pain therapy through photobiomodulation.
Microsurgery and warts: the diode laser is capable of providing pain relief and reducing the presence of fungi and bacteria.
Onychomycosis: laser therapy is less invasive and effective in reducing nail fungus.
Diabetic and non-diabetic wounds: it aids in wound healing by stimulating cellular activity, strengthening cellular signals, and enhancing the efficiency of the body's natural immune system.áser Rapido Podia<p>The laser is used not only for its therapeutic characteristics but also for its selective action in tissue vaporization.</p>
<p><strong>USAGE TIPS</strong>:</p>
<p>The laser device is indicated for:</p>
<li>Pain therapy through photobiomodulation.</li>
<li>Microsurgery and warts: the diode laser is capable of providing pain relief and reducing the presence of fungi and bacteria.</li>
<li>Onychomycosis: laser therapy is less invasive and effective in reducing nail fungus.</li>
<li>Diabetic and non-diabetic wounds: it aids in wound healing by stimulating cellular activity, strengthening cellular signals, and enhancing the efficiency of the body's natural immune system.</li>
<p><strong>TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS</strong>:</p>
<p>Wavelength / Power: 1064 nm / 9W.</p>
<p>▪ Frequency: Up to 25 kHz.</p>
<p>▪ Pulse mode: Continuous - Multiple pulses.</p>
<p>▪ Lithium-ion battery.</p>
<p>▪ Pulse range: 20 μs to 1 s.</p>
<p>▪ Laser: 4.</p>
<p>▪ Dimensions: 205 x 130 x 50 mm.</p>
<p>▪ Weight: 1.5 kg.</p>
<p>▪ Wireless. ▪ Wide touch screen.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/rapidopodia/3.jpg"}}" alt="" /></p>
<p><img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/rapidopodia/4.jpg"}}" alt="" /></p> podology/Diagnostic diabetic foot instruments2023-05-19T09:47:17+0000shop1