Sterilisation And Disinfection









In all types of clinics and also in podiatry, it is necessary to clean, disinfect and in some cases sterilize many of the elements that are used or that surround the field of work.

Among these elements we can mention the instruments, the hands and nails of professional, the surfaces such as worktops, armchairs, lamps, fomites, even the floor of the clinic.



Firstly, we must clarify that disinfecting is not the same as sterilizing. These terms are often confused.

The aim in the case of high-level disinfection or deep cleaning is to leave the instrument as clean as possible and free of particles such as blood, dirt and so on.

In the case of sterilization, the goal is the absence of the life of germens.

We must bear in mind that many of the germs, such as certain types of bacteria, fungi, viruses etc. are very difficult to eliminate and cannot be done with deep disinfection procedures.



Many chemicals products are used to disinfect and/or sterilize.

We are going to mention the most interesting and the ones that are present in the catalogue:



The most used products to disinfect deeply the hands, skin and nails are the Sterillium, the diverse solutions of Chlorhexidine, some of them soaps, like 2% Lainco Chlorhexidine, Cristalmina Spray, Daroxidina Scrubb, Orange Bactiseptic (this product has the property of being flesh color), Desinclor, Brushes with Povidone or Chlorhexidine, Alcohol, Oxigenated Water, Povidone Iodized and so on.



The importance of perfect disinfection of the surfaces surrounding the work area is evident.

Starting on the floor of the clinic and continuing on close surfaces to the work area, such as worktops, armchairs, lamps, keyboards, side tables. In general, this type of surface, such as the upholstery of the armchair, is also called fomites.

The main products used for this purpose are:

Darador Surface, Aniospray, Disinfectant, Bactilemon Soft, Cr 36 Mural disinfectant. All of them are high-level disinfectants in Spray for nearby surfaces.

There are available wipes impregnated with antiseptic elements, such as Clinell wipes, which are very powerful and of high quality, Sterillitas and Medical Line.



It is also necessary a perfect and deep disinfection of the air and the corners of difficult accessibility, for instance: the filter grilles of the air conditioning devices, the corners, shoes and so on.

NDL total Air. This product is applied once a week. We can apply the NDL total Air when closing the clinic and it is dispersed throughout the ambient air.

The TIDAS system has been designed to be applied to air conditioning filters, thus allowing their correct disinfection.

The Shoe Fresh device works with Ozone and totally disinfects the shoes every day at night and this product can also be used for small rooms as an environmental disinfectant.

Finally, our Sensory Spray that is a clinic air freshener, provides a pleasant and particular fragrance. It has two types of intensity which neutralize bad smells and persist over time.



Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of instruments is extremely important. This task is one of the most frequent in the clinic. The instruments, many of them cutting, are applied directly to the patient (and sometimes to the same professional unintentionally) and these instruments are invasive in many cases.

To start with the sterilization, we can mention Korsolex (almost pure and already diluted Glutaraldehyde), Instrunet Disinfectant and Peroxill. This product, based on Peracetic Acid, has many advantages: it does not damage the instruments, the environment or the operator and it is also very fast.

The following products are the most appropriate for disinfection and cleaning of instruments:

Firstly, Peroxill Detergo. Enzymatic detergents such as Daroscope E Turbo, Enzymed, NDP Med Rtu, Darodor Sinaldeyd, Bodedex and also well-known and used powder products such as the Instrunet Polvo and Darodor 4000.

Another product that some professionals use for the disinfection of instruments is Phenic Acid or Crystallized Phenol.



Although it is not a question, in this case, of chemical products, it is true that bags and rolls are currently widely used for sterilization.

These are plastic bags that are impermeable on one side and have a microporous paper that is impermeable to ambient air but permeable to pressure inside the autoclave. The same for the rolls.

These bags and rolls are available in many widths and lengths. The instrument or other product that we want to sterilize is introduced and put into the autoclave.

The bags or rolls themselves have a signer that changes color once it has been autoclaved.

The rolls need a heat-sealing machine to cut and seal them.

Laboratorios Herbitas has many sizes, both bags and rolls, and also a heat-sealing machine.



There are many accessories and complements that are used for disinfection and sterilization as an aid:

Biological Indicators are a device widely used in autoclave sterilization as an obligatory element of control. These indicators contain in their interior some specific germs in inert state and a vial is introduced together with a load of the autoclave.

Then, this indicator is introduced in the Spore Incubator and it depends on which color it adopts, it indicates if the autoclave works correctly or not.

There are other types of tests, which can also be used. One of them is the Bowie Dick that monitors the correct elimination of air in bags and bubbles in bags, handpieces and so on.

Sterilization Control Strips can be placed with any autoclave load and when turning color identify that it has been autoclaved. Sterilization cuvettes are an ideal complement for disinfection and/or sterilization with chemicals, as they make the task of inserting instruments into chemical agents much easier and more comfortable.

Moreover, we have a special product for chemical autoclaves known as Vapo Clave.

Inox Clean is a product specifically formulated for the internal cleaning of autoclaves, and especially the sterilization of the stainless-steel chamber.



We have a lot of experience in all types of products for sterilization, disinfection and medical equipment. Moreover, Laboratorios Herbitas has the best products for this purpose. Our wide assortment and stock allow us to offer a very fast service and very competitive prices in the market.

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